Adopting in investor mindset: why it’s essential for every. single. woman.

You might already be intimidated by the title of this post.

Adopting an “investor mindset” might sound like something that super wealthy people talk about with each other on their yachts in the Bahamas.

But the truth is an investor mindset isn't just for the elite or those with economics degrees—it's for any woman aiming to secure their financial future.

Have a 401(k)? A Roth IRA? A business?

Congratulations! You’re in investor.

You are actively spending money on an asset - something that can give you a greater financial return in the future.

Since there is a high likelihood that you are already investing, it’s about time that you make sure that your hard earned money is growing like it should.

What is an Investor Mindset?

Someone with an investor mindset understands the long-term benefits of investing and is able to prioritize spending a portion of their income on assets (401k, IRA, real estate, etc.) - things that will make them more money over time, without trading more of their time for money.

This doesn’t mean that you spend a ton of time on investing every month.

It does mean that if you are a beginner investor, you get enough of a basic investing education to make sure that your money is growing as it should.

It also means that you learn to set-up automated systems to make sure that some of the money you make is working hard for you through investing.

An investor mindset is about being able to take a pause and evaluate the true value of an immediate expenditure over long-term security.

The reality is that with planning, you can enjoy your life now and invest in your future.

And thanks to automations, you don’t even have to be a disciplined investor to make money in the stock market.

You just need to set up investing on auto-pilot so a portion of your income goes to investing before you even have a chance to spend it.

Why is an investor mindset critical?

The top three reasons off the top of my head have to do with your ability to take control of your future:

  1. Economic Security

    An investor mindset shifts allows you to create an equilibrium of spending and enjoying your life now while simultaneously preparing for your future. This mindset empowers you to make smart financial decisions that compound your money over time, leading to significant wealth.

    This is particularly crucial for women, who may face unique financial challenges such as longer life spans and periods out of the workforce.

    Adopting this mindset puts you in the driver’s seat of your money and empowers you to learn enough of the basics to make sure that your money is working hard for you.

  2. Reduced Anxiety During Economic Downturns

    Understanding the basics of how the stock market works, reduces the fear and anxiety during bear markets (periods of time when the stock market goes down) and recessions.

    As an investor, you know (or will come to learn) that the stock market market fluctuates but overtime, can help your money grow exponentially.

    When the media hits the gas button hard on doom and gloom news, beginner investors often get overwhelmed and anxious about the money the have in the market.

    When you have confidence in stock market basics, you’ll be unfazed because you know that despite the ups and downs, the stock market has only ever gone in one direction - up.

  3. Retirement/Financial Flexibility/Financial Independence

    For many, retirement or the option to leave full-time work may seem a distant reality.

    Once you’ve learned how to implement a simple and consistent investment strategy (like buying and holding index funds), you’ll be able to ensure that your money continues to grow and can eventually sustain you when you're no longer doing as much.

Steps to Develop an Investor Mindset

Still feeling like you’re not an investor? The imposter syndrome hits extra hard when we have some knowledge gaps.

So here are some things you can do to get in the right mindset about your financial future and it’s possibilities:

  1. Educate Yourself About Financial Markets: Start with basics like how stocks, bonds, and mutual funds work. Resources like books, online courses, and financial news can be invaluable. Need a place to start? Join my free beginner investing workshop coming up soon!

  2. Start Small with Investments: You don’t need a lot of money to start investing. Thanks to what’s called fractional shares you don’t need tons of money to start investing. You can literally start with $1 if that’s all you have.

  3. Find Financial Role Models: Is there someone in your life that knows their stuff when it comes to investing? Ask them questions! Don’t just start working with your parents financial advisor because he is around. Seek out help and find people that speak in a language you can actually understand. If someone is speaking with too much financial jargon, move on. There are better resources.

Adopting an investor mindset is crucial for any women looking to reach financial independence and security.

This is about more than just making money—it's about making your money work for you in the most effective way possible.

Remember, it’s never too early or too late to start thinking like an investor. Your future self will thank you for the financial wisdom you cultivate today.

I don’t care if you’re in your 40’s or 50’s. The “it’s too late” BS will only keep you from building wealth.

Start now.

Don’t miss our next free investing workshop! Learn more right here.


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